Sunday, March 6, 2011

I heart financial daily

Who'd've thought I'd be saying that. Me, who usually has ten copies of business recorder retrieved faithfully from the library but never read, in my bag at all times? But financial daily is engrossing. How could so much interesting information be filled in one newspaper? I have yet to find an article that bores me. I recommend it all those blissful ignorants out there who grow lethargic at the very sound of a newspaper rustling open. The financial daily will draw you in like a cheap love story, trust me, you will not be disappointed.


  1. I love your blog! You will be in our prayers and thoughts! Nice and informative post on this topic thanks for sharing with us.Thank you

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  2. @kanwal: thanks for stopping by -___-

  3. I'm gonna try this out right nOw!

    Nice blog and em followin' ya.:)

  4. always find touchy these little stories off the busy timings :)

  5. The Financial Daily... Send me a copy of an article which you think I would be interested in - I am the ignorant one you're talking about :)

  6. You provide the information on the financial daily. it increases my feelings

  7. Hi. I wanted to drop you a quick note to express my thanks. I've been following your blog
    for a month or so and have picked up a ton of good information as well as
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