Sunday, May 30, 2010


My Psychology text book was the first thing that said humans tend to be short-sighted when it comes to their relationships. That is, if you ask them how their relationships will progress they'll expect everything to be hunky-dory. Except it's never like that. I knew that. I didn't expect that every-in fact, any-relationship would be full of laughter. But I did expect that there would be some people in my life whom I could completely and wholly trust; so that I wouldn't have to consider every sentence in my head before uttering it, so that I wouldn't have to wonder whether they've got my back in any situation, so that I could trust them not to leave me hanging just when their being there mattered the most.

But just lately I've been getting this bitter dose of I-don't-know-what-it-is but some may call it reality. I've realized that ninety percent of the time people think only about themselves. And I've realized that you may have thought that there are some people who will never take you for granted no matter how much you open up to them but you thought wrong.

Am I being very bitter? Like, am I misconstruing reality? I really really hope I am.

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