Sunday, January 27, 2013

I've lost my superpower

NOTE: I wrote this one ages ago but somehow it just got republished. I am not currently depressed or destructive so please do not be anxious on my account dear reader.

Dear Reader,
I'm going through a day where I feel I'm good for nothing (now be nice and disagree) and the worst of it is I find I can't resort to my usual khwabi pulao (castle in the sky) and dream about all the fantastical things I will (in a parallel universe) accomplish. It's not that no ideas are coming to me; my mind is bursting with philanthropic notions; it's just that I can't stop myself from realizing how unrealistic they are. And what's the point of fantasizing when you know your fantasy aint gonna come true? :(
I wish I could sit here and make imaginary, never-to-be-fulfilled resolutions to do productive things, and turn over imaginary new leaves to reach self-actualization or whatever but I find I've lost my superpower so I'll have to resort to doing things like a normal human being. I'll have to get out there and use my brain to come up with a way to... use my brain (paradoxical?). I'm not completely at a loss though, I think I've got a few workable plans up my sleeve. Let's see. I'll get back to you when I discover an atom of constructiveness in me.

It's a jungle out there

There should be a word for people who are the opposite of shopaholic other than miserly. Unfortunately google itself could not furnish me with an approprate word; so for the sake of this post lets just term them shopaphobics. Now I know this one girl who has a particularly bad case of shopaphobia; first of all she won't go shopping, even if it's something absolutely essential she will keep putting it off. When she does make it to the store she has prolonged moments of monk-like indecisiveness even when she knows what she came for. And, of course, the after purchase agony is indescribably intense; did I get the right thing? No, no i should have gotten that instead. No wait, it was all too expensive and utterly useless!

So a couple of months ago this shopaphobic saw an ad. Now most of the time this shopaphobic delights in criticizing ads for their lack of creativity and zero recall potential but for some reason this ad was beyond criticism. In fact, SP found herself desiring to buy this product that was 'designed for humans'. You guessed it, the lure of the samsung galaxy sIII appeared too great for even a shopaphobic to resist. After all, it's handsome and sensitive, what more could you want? So she would say to her husband, shopaphobic 2.0, 'can u buy me this?' and he would promptly reply, 'of course I can (insert endearment here)' and they would both feel fulfilled by this pretense, because of course they both knew neither of them would ever be willing to pay 600 bucks for a phone. Yeah right.

Then one day, the samsung galaxy sIII mini was launched and the shopaphobic, who had been dreaming about the pebble blue samsung galaxy sIII secretly all this time was taken by surprise. The phone she had wanted was now for 300 dollars. It doesnt have all the same features and it's probably too tiny and looks nothing like the original. Not to mention one tires of phones so quickly (she had bought her last one last year and boy was it in bad shape after taking all those falls). And what did she want with a smartphone any way? She had no need of this phone, she told herself. But a tiny voice admitted that she wanted it all the same  So what should she do? Should she buy this fancy gadget she does not need that will soon grow old? Or should she force herself to forget about this gorgeous pebble blue touch screen smart phone that is probably the only phone that has made her feel  this way?

-awaiting reply from a decisive individual
(do ur good deed of the day and help the poor girl out)

Here's a picture for perspective:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thornton's walk

There was a time in my life when I was striving to get everything I thought I always wanted. So it's strange to me that now-when I happen to have everything that I never particularly desired or strove to get and none of the things I thought I wanted-is the time when watching BBC's Pride and Prejudice or North and South doesn't send me off into an alternate reality dreaming of living a life like theirs. Because I find, that there is not a single thing about my life that I would change. Whether life is perfect now or not, I find myself to be so perfectly happy, that it is perfect.